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ACS Prefects, Role Specifications

Role Specifications: ACS Prefects must


  • Be positive, set , exercise good judgment and adhere to school rules

  • Instill and develop qualities in themselves and the student body

  • Exercise by sharing God’s gifts with the school community

  • Demonstrate high standards of uniform and attendance, , and a sound academic focus

  • Be a and role model for the school

  • Assist with the of grade 9 students into the Secondary setting

  • Be cooperative, helpful, , and responsible

  • Be towards teachers, staff, peers, and the school environment

  • Assist with (e.g. Timetable pick up, Parent-Teacher interviews, Open House, etc)

  • Motivate and encourage students to participate in school events throughout the year

  • Show and be able to work independently and as part of a team, in order to generate new ideas and develop them

  • Be willing to with the smooth running of the school during the school day by regularly and reliably performing duties (e.g. school assemblies, greeters, etc)

  • Be with all aspects of school life, both within the school day and outside school hours, including extra-curricular activities, school assemblies, and events