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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

The Co-Op information meeting will begin immediately following announcements during period one today.  This meeting is mandatory for all students taking coop in the 2024-2025 school year.

For the Grade 12 students writing the Euclid Math Contest tomorrow: there will be an information session as well as time for practice in Room 3011 after school.  Please see or email Mr. Stec with any questions.

The Chess Club will meet at 3pm outside of Room 2023 before walking as a group to Edith Monture. All those willing to help the elementary students prepare for their upcoming tournament are welcome to help.

Attention ACS Knit Club.  Our next meeting will be on Tuesday April 9th from 3-4pm in Portable 17. There is no meeting after school today. Please check your school email for more information. Thank you for all you do.

Attention all those going on the trip to see "Les Miserables" - there is a MANDATORY meeting on Thursday, April 4th at the start of 2nd lunch at 12:55pm in the Drama Room. Teachers, please excuse the students for 10-15 min. Please message Mrs. Ratelband if you CANNOT attend as there are new updates and important information to be relayed.

Are you feeling the mid-term crunch? Why not come out to the LAC Movie night on Thurs. April 4th from 3-7PM. The Library Advisory Council is planning a fun night of trivia and the Hunger Games movie. We are also having a book exchange that evening where you take a book and leave a book. Buy your ticket today at lunch at the back of the caf. Tickets are only $5 and will cover the cost of pizza and a juice box. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Don't miss out on this fun night.

SHSM Customer Service training will take place for all registered SHSM students on Friday, April 5th. The schedule is:
8:50 - 11:30 am - Grade 12 SHSM and ALL Health Care SHSM students, in the Lecture Hall.
12:25-2:55 pm - Grade 11 SHSM students excluding health care, in the Library.

Attention all current or future visual art students! Do you want to go to Greece? See the Acropolis? Explore Greek Islands? View Priceless Art? Make Your Own Grecian Pottery? Enjoy the Grecian Culture and Traditions? Come to the information session on April 10th at 7:00PM in the ACS Lecture Hall! Or see Ms. Benoit in 2015 for more information!

Attention Grade 12 students. This is a reminder that the deadline for online payment for the grad retreat is May 6th, just a month away. Enjoy a day outdoors near the lake at beautiful Camp Marydale in Mount Hope. A barbeque lunch is included and transportation. The cost is only $25. Also pick up a grad retreat permission form available in a folder outside of the Chaplain's office. 

Coffee House is back Lions! Join us on April 17th for an evening of musical performances, snacks, and fun times for all. If you are interested in performing at this event, please email a short video showcasing your act to Ms. Ristov no later than 4:00pm on Friday, April 5th.

Ms. Torto’s social justice class is challenging ACS to collect books for St. Vincent De Paul! St. Vincent De Paul is running a program called Beds for Kids and as an additional gift they provide a bag of books to each child to encourage reading!  So, we want everyone to bring gently used or new books to school and drop them off in the library! Books for all ages are accepted!  For every book you donate, you can fill out a ballot for a chance to win a $25 amazon gift card! So, bring in your books and make a difference!

Attention Class of 2024!  Each High School in Brant County is eligible to nominate 2 students for the James Hillier Scholarship.  If you are a Student who has been accepted to a University or College program in Science and Technology and have achieved over 90% average on your top 6 University or Mixed level courses, including at least 2 sciences, have been a resident of Brantford or Brant County for your final 3 years of high school, are interested in scientific research, and would like to be interviewed and considered for the Hillier Scholarship, please sign up in Student Services.  This is the first step of the nomination process.  Sign-up by Tuesday April 9th. 

Today’s special in the cafeteria will be a made to order beef fajitas with rice, sauteed onions and peppers, sour cream, salsa, mozzarella, and grilled while you wait for $6.99.  Have an awesome day Lions!