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Monday, September 18th, 2023

Listen Up Lions!  Our first Casual Dress Day of the year will be on Wednesday, September 20th.  Students wishing to dress casually must bring in two dollars.  All money collected will be going towards the Six Nations Food Bank.  Thank you for your support.

There will be a Boys Baseball practice on Tuesday, September 19th from 3:30pm to 5:30pm at Bill Little Park.  Please let Mrs. Lytle or Miss Robitaille know if you cannot attend.

Cross Country training will continue this week from Monday to Thursday after school at 3:15pm. The team will meet at the picnic tables by the portables. If you are still interested in joining the cross-country team, please pick up a form from Mr. Prior, Ms. Gomez, or Ms. Czaplinska.

LEAP's first meeting is this coming Wednesday, during both lunches, in the Lecture Hall.  Come at the start of lunch for 15 minutes and learn about all the possibilities for you to get involved in.

Hello ACS Knitting Club.  Our first meeting of the year will take place this Thursday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Portable 17. Can't wait to catch up and crochet together. New members welcome. Email Mrs. Cameron. Hope to see you then!

Hello Drivers.  Please register your vehicle as soon as possible and pick up your temporary parking pass.  Once the passes arrive, you may exchange your temporary pass with your permanent pass.  If you have any questions, please come to the office and we will assist you.

A reminder to all volunteers who helped with the grade 9 "We Are Lions" orientation-- please return your pink shirts to TLC and cross your name off the list before the end of the week. 

Have you picked up your fundraising chocolates from Madame Rodger?  If you would like to go on the trip to Quebec and want to fundraise, please see Mme. Rodger in the foods room for details or check out the D2L page.   Spaces are limited so get your permission forms in quickly!

Attention grade 12 students!  University and College Reps visits begin tomorrow.  Sign-up NOW using the calendar on the right of the screen on the Gr 12 guidance Brightspace page.  To sign up, please click on the event and a link for registration will be found in the description.  On Tuesday, Sept 19th, visiting our school is Fanshawe College @9am and Trent University @10:20am in the lecture hall.  If you have any questions, please visit Student Services.  

Are you looking to make the world a better place? Do you enjoy spreading kindness? Do you like making people smile? If yes, this is for you!!! Starting today, and every Monday for the next 10 weeks, you have the opportunity to select an act of kindness from our Kindness board, directly outside of the Guidance office. Please pull off a tab and complete the task. Thanks a bunch from your Kindness Squad in the Spec Ed department.

Attention all students enrolled in grades 11 and 12 French or Italian this school year: The Modern Languages Department trip to France and Italy is back!  A parent information meeting will be held Thursday September 28th in the lecture hall.  Any senior MLD students not on the trip D2L page - please see Madame Di Francesco or Madame McCulloch.  Merci / Grazie. 

Today’s special in the cafeteria will be Chicken Alfredo served on Rotini with Garlic Toast for $6.00.  Freezies and sundaes are available for $1.50. Have an awesome day, Lions!