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ACS Guardian Award

The ACS Guardian Award will recognize Catholic leaders in our Assumption community. Staff and students can nominate lions who selflessly live the Gospel values by acting justly in their daily interactions with others. Demonstrating discipleship might include:

  • Standing up against bullying
  • Acting generously or kindly towards classmates
  • Demonstrating stewardship in our community
  • Demonstrating integrity and inclusiveness

We hope that a monthly recognition of students who act in the spirit of Christ will inspire others to act justly. We also believe that showcasing these students and authentic examples of Christ-like love should help us better answer the question “What does inclusion look and sound like?”

The ACS Guardian Award is just one initiative of the Safe School Committee which is intended to foster a more inclusive community where all our lions feel welcomed and appreciated. Feedback from our safe school student survey continues to help shape other initiatives to better promote a culture of belonging where all Assumption students realize they are essential and valued members of our community. If you would like to learn more about our Safe School Committee please contact V.P. Allison Hayes at 519-751-2030 or

A completed ACS Guardian Award Nomination Form can be dropped off in the main office.

“This is what the Lord asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8